Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development


Date Title
Important Hot Faculty position announcement:one full-time assistant / associate / professor position May 5, 2025
Important Hot Faculty position announcement:one full-time assistant / associate / professor position(Due 1/Dec./2023)
Important The News&Market news department is recruiting a full-time reporter
Important R416 Classroom Sundries Removal Announcement
Important Please submit application for Mr. Yao's scholarship before November 22, 2021
Important 107, 108, 109 academic year study regulation
Important R416 Classroom Sundries Removal Announcement
Important R425 Classroom Sundries Removal Announcement
Important Approval of the Communication Programme of the first semester, 2011 academic year
Important Congratulations on the first graduation production of our departmentThe micro-film group work "Way" won at the International Film Festival
Important Congratulations to the teachers and students of our department for participating in the 10th "TBSA National Colleges and Universities Innovation Planning Competition" in 2021 and winning honorable mention. All teachers and students are honored.
Important Fu Bell Scholarship
Important "Taipei Small Farmers and Their Places of Production" documentary project calls for submission. Welcome to sign up to win high prizes!
Important Hot Congratulations to Liao Li-yu winning the premium paper award of 2021 Chinese Geographical Symposiu
Important MOE Training Program for Interdisciplinary Talents of Biomedicine and New Agriculture —Summer Session Enrollment Open Now
Important The first graduation exhibition of BICD brings sense-subverting experiences, guided by key leader of design, Akib
Important National Taiwan University Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development EMBA Program Admission
Congratulations to Prof. Hsiu-Ping Yueh for Winning the 2020 MOST Outstanding Research Award.
Communication Program Approval List of 2020 Academic Year, Spring Semester
Academic Year 2021 PhD Program Admission