Chaoyun Liang
Name Chaoyun Liang
職稱 Distinguished Professor
研究領域 【Research Expertise】 ◎Imagination & Creativity ◎Social Enterprise and Organizational Innovation ◎Marketing Communications and Media Management ◎Media Arts and Design Education
開設課程 【Courses】 1.Studies of Agricultural Development and Communication 2.Topical Research of Green Social Entrepreneurship 3.Media Organization and Strategic Management 4.Quantitative Methods for Social Science 5.Advanced Technical Writing for Quantitative Research 6.Communications Industry and Media Management 7.Applied Photography 8.Introduction to Mass Media 9.Independent Study
Office Tel No. 02-33664413
Fax 02-23635879
Organization Title Department Job Title
Department of Information and Communication, YZU Associate Professor & Library Director
Department and Graduate Institute of Information and Communication, YZU Associate Professor & Graduate Chair
Department of Information and Communication , YZU Professor & Chair/Head
Department of Information and Communication , YZU Professor & Vice President for Student Affairs
Department of Bio-industry Communication and Development, NTU Professor
Lab Title Location
Wow-Wow Lab College of Agriculture Bldg. R406
Office College of Agriculture Bldg. R516