Li-Chun  Huang
Name Li-Chun Huang
職稱 Professor and Chairman
研究領域 【Research expertise】 ◎Marketing Communication ◎Marketing in Leisure Service ◎Management of Bio-Resource
開設課程 【Courses】 1.Marketing 2.Independent Study 3.Marketing Communication 4.Management of Bio-Industry 5.Seminar on Leisure
Office Tel No. 02-33664418
Country School Name Department Degree
Taichung, Taiwan National Chung Hsing University Plant Pathology B.S.
Chia-yi, Taiwan National Chung Cheng University Business Administration M.B.A.
University of Nebraska Lincoln M.A.
Organization Title Department Job Title
Lab Title Location
Marketing Lab College of Agriculture Bldg. R407
Office College of Agriculture Bldg. R507